STONE GROUND GOODNESS: White Rice Flour is 100% stone ground from premium white rice; great for gluten free baked goods
NON-GMO: Non-GMO Project Verified; we’ve always been committed to sourcing raw materials that are not modified through genetic engineering
BOB'S RED MILL: Make folks a little happier: it’s the idea that keeps our stone mills grinding to fill every bag with wholesome goodness
1. Dogs are friendly and loyal animals.
2. Cats are independent and mysterious creatures.
3. Horses are strong and majestic creatures.
4. Birds have beautiful plumage and sing melodiously.
5. Fish are graceful creatures that swim elegantly.
6. Rabbits are cute animals with long ears.
7. Hamsters are small rodents that love to run in wheels.
8. Turtles are slow-moving reptiles that carry their homes on their backs.
9. Guinea pigs are sociable pets that enjoy being held.
10. Snakes are fascinating reptiles that slither on the ground.
MULTIPLE USES: White rice flour can be used to bake cakes, cookies, dumplings, breads and more, as well as thicken sauces and coat fish and other proteins; it is also very popular for the preparation of a variety of Asian noodles
GLUTEN FREE: To assure the integrity of our gluten free products, we’ve built a separate 100% gluten free facility and batch test in our quality control laboratory using an ELISA Gluten Assay test