Buckwheat flour contains four times as much fiber as whole wheat flour, and is also a very good source of manganese and magnesium. The protein in buckwheat is a complete protein, containing all eight essential amino acids.
Bob's Organic Buckwheat Flour is 100% stone ground from premium organic 100% whole grain buckwheat groats. Freshly ground on slow turning quartz millstones for a hearty and distinctive flavor.
Buckwheat flour provides a unique texture, taste, and look to various food items. It is popular in pancakes, Japanese Soba noodles, and crepes. Combining it with other flours is recommended. Cookies with 40% buckwheat flour are preferred over those made with 100% wheat flour. Gluten-free bread using buckwheat and rice flour is rated better than bread with potato starch and rice flour in terms of volume and soft crumb.
USDA Certified Organic * Vegan * Vegetarian * 100% Whole Grain * Stone Ground * Kosher Pareve * 100% whole grain * Good source of dietary fiber and iron; 4g protein per serving * Stone-ground on cool, slow-turning millstones